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Mon Feb 27, 2017
1. What is it really like living on a narrow boat?Living on a narrow boat can be a fantastic way of life, if you enjoy the outdoors and being close to nature then this style of liv....
Mon Oct 13, 2014
Etiquetteon the CanalsA basicknowledge of etiquette can make a boat trip of any length much more enjoyableLocksBeforeoperating a lock which is set against you, do check that there ....
Wed Nov 14, 2012
The Boat Safety Scheme is administered by the Canal and River Trust and is in force on rivers and canals managed by them and the Environment Agency.  The certificate itself is....
Wed Oct 31, 2012
What is the Recreational Craft Directive?The recreational craft directive (RCD) applies to a boat builder.  Every new boat between 2.5 and 24 meters built after....